nyc jerry molnar

To fulfill the Great Commission in New Jersey and New York, in the USA, and to the world by… providing the life transformation of Christ to those in the mainstream and in the margins of society through the expanding impact of small groups, counseling and speaking.

Key Strategies:

1. Small Groups: Expand the impact of the Gospel through a home Bible study and see it multiply through men and women who are changed and will desire to reach their spheres of influence.

2. Counseling: Provide lay experiential counseling to people who are struggling through significant life issues or help captive addiction.

3. Speaking: Increase the influence of  Christ through the unique life testimony and extensive ministry experience.

4:  Personal Relationships: Leverage growth through in-depth equipping relationships.


1. Establish the foundation of this non-profit ministry with a board of advisors, a strategic plan, and the development of financial resources to sustain its impact.

2. Mobilize leaders who have been already impacted to start new groups and relationships.

3. Partner with other organizations and ministries to leverage the opportunities for workshops, testimonies and counseling.

4. Build an infrastructure to communication and connection with people directly, through a updated website, and through social media.

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